EnterRebates.com, along with the domain names listed below are for sale, individually or as one combined package.
You will receive ownership in the following domains:
EnterRebate.com and EnterRebates.com
SubmitRebate.com and SubmitRebates.com
These domain names can be easily branded and marketed to quickly become the leading website for consumers, as well as
credit card companies, retailers, and rebate processors. This amazing opportunity to capitalize on the exploding rebate and
gift card industry won't last long so act fast before it's too late. Make an offer on these brandable, easy to remember,
and to the point domain names .... before your competitor does.
Clients can have the option of having both a link from their website and a dedicated link to the rebate center, such as:
EnterRebate.com/HomeDepot or SubmitRebate.com/MayTag
Also introduce the EnterRebate(s).com or SubmitRebate(s).com Re-Loadable Gift Card
click the links to your left to learn more
These Domain Names are FOR SALE
Contact Don Dowey at
(253) 571-8056
or by email at don@AnEasier.com or info@BoxEarth.com